Friday, September 28, 2012

Will there be Another Recount in Florida for the next Presidential Election?

October 9, 2012 is the deadline to register to vote for the November 6, 2012 presidential election. As election time draws nearer, so does the voting registration scandals in Florida. It has been alleged that Florida is now experiencing statewide voter registration scandals by the Republican Party. At least seven counties in Florida have informed state prosecutors or state election officials about questionable voter registration forms submitted on behalf of the Republican Party.

In the 2000 presidential election, Florida singlehandedly changed the outcome of the election causing the Republican candidate, George Bush, to become the President of the United States over Democratic candidate Al Gore. With these allegations lurking in Florida, one can only wonder if this upcoming election will also be determined by a recount in Florida.

The Florida Democratic Party has requested that the state revoke the Republican Party’s ability to register voters during the investigation. The Florida Republican Party paid Strategic Allied Consulting over $1.3 million to handle its registration needs. The company alleges that the questionable forms were submitted by an employee who was subsequently terminated.

There are also allegations that the forms submitted by Strategic Allied Consulting contained registration for people who were deceased, and that the company also paid individuals to register voters. The Republican Party of Florida has subsequently filed a complaint against Strategic Allied Consulting with the state election officials, and an investigation is now underway.

If during the 2012 Presidential Election it becomes necessary to have a recount in Florida, no one should be surprised if Mitt Romney becomes elected. However, I would propose that the votes in Florida not count the so-called absentee ballots and only count those made physically at the voting sites.

What are your thoughts America?

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